Show: Outasight, The Ready Set, 2AM Club
Venue: The Roxy- Los Angeles
Date: 3/8/13
Show #9
A few weeks ago I went to see Outasight and The Ready Set play at The Roxy here in Los Angeles. I had been actively checking Outasight's Facebook page for the last year or so, patiently waiting for him to make an appearance in so cal. Day after day, still no dates added. It was beyond frustrating when I'd see dates added that were no where on the west coast. I was determined he just hated California, then FINALLY the day came, and The Roxy popped up as a date on his tour to support his debut full length album, Nights Like These! I also might add that I skipped out on going to the massive Swedish House Mafia farewell tour stop here in LA that same night to go to this instead, and it was very, very worth it.
I didn't get to the venue until a little after 9pm and I ended up catching the end of 2AM Club. They kind of sound like Shwayze and The Ready Set meets LMFAO, or in other words, feel good party music. Their big song is called "Too Fucked Up to Call" and damn is it catchy. Watch their video, and try not to have it in your head for the next 3 days.
I ended up meeting one of the lead singers after the show:
Next up was The Ready Set. All I really knew about The Ready Set going in to the show was that I'm obsessed with their song "Give Me Your Hand" and I was pretty stoked to see them perform it live. Unfortunately, the only 2 songs I really enjoyed was that one and "Love Like Woe", the other song I knew going in to it. The rest of their set was sort of...ehh. I think if I listened to them enough they could grow on me but for a first go around I wasn't that impressed.
Sorry for the shakiness, but I was getting my jump on during "Give Me Your Hand"!
The show was a non-stop party full of jumping, dancing and singing along. If you ever get the chance to see Outasight, I highly recommend it! Even if you don't know any of his songs you can't help but dance to it.
A few weeks ago I went to see Outasight and The Ready Set play at The Roxy here in Los Angeles. I had been actively checking Outasight's Facebook page for the last year or so, patiently waiting for him to make an appearance in so cal. Day after day, still no dates added. It was beyond frustrating when I'd see dates added that were no where on the west coast. I was determined he just hated California, then FINALLY the day came, and The Roxy popped up as a date on his tour to support his debut full length album, Nights Like These! I also might add that I skipped out on going to the massive Swedish House Mafia farewell tour stop here in LA that same night to go to this instead, and it was very, very worth it.
I didn't get to the venue until a little after 9pm and I ended up catching the end of 2AM Club. They kind of sound like Shwayze and The Ready Set meets LMFAO, or in other words, feel good party music. Their big song is called "Too Fucked Up to Call" and damn is it catchy. Watch their video, and try not to have it in your head for the next 3 days.
I ended up meeting one of the lead singers after the show:
Next up was The Ready Set. All I really knew about The Ready Set going in to the show was that I'm obsessed with their song "Give Me Your Hand" and I was pretty stoked to see them perform it live. Unfortunately, the only 2 songs I really enjoyed was that one and "Love Like Woe", the other song I knew going in to it. The rest of their set was sort of...ehh. I think if I listened to them enough they could grow on me but for a first go around I wasn't that impressed.
Sorry for the shakiness, but I was getting my jump on during "Give Me Your Hand"!
Finally it was time for Outasight! If you're not familiar with Outasight he's known for his hit "Tonight is the Night", which many of you probably know from being featured in the huge Pepsi commercial which included Ray Charles, Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey and Britney Spears. This commercial basically launched his career.
Anyways, I quickly became infatuated with the song and everything else I could get my hands on by him. I then found out he's a NY Giants fan (as am I) and that just sealed the deal for me, I was in love. Naturally I had to wear my Giants shirt to the show. I even waved my Giants lanyard around during the show which caught his eye and gave me a smile and a nod, which made me gush like a school girl. My full on school girl freak out came when he was performing "Night's Like These" and all the sudden bent down and put his head up to mine (literally) and I died a little. Watch the video of it here! It happens around 1:16.
The show was a non-stop party full of jumping, dancing and singing along. If you ever get the chance to see Outasight, I highly recommend it! Even if you don't know any of his songs you can't help but dance to it.
After the show I waited around a bit to see if I could catch him leaving the venue, and while I was waiting, these 2 guys came up and started talking to me who were apparently in the first band of the night, Kelsi Luck. They were passing out free song cards and talking a mile a minute and were just very entertaining so I had to get a pic with them.
There was no sign of Rich (Outasight's real name) so I decided to call it a night and leave. As I pull up to a red light next to The Roxy, I look to my left and I see him outside taking pictures with fans! I pulled over immediately (parked in the red) and ran over there. He was walking away and the guard wouldn't let me past him so I yelled "Rich!" and he turned around and came back, yay! I told him how long I had waited to see him come to Cali and he apologized for it taking so long and told me he'd be back again over the summer for Warped Tour, which I now have to go to. All in all, a fantastic night and I can't wait to see him again!