Venue: The Satellite, Los Angeles, CA
Date: 2/6/12
Show #4
Lady Danville is an indie pop band from LA consisting of 3 uberly talented guys. Their voices blend together effortlessly creating harmonies you wouldn't expect from 3 dudes playing instruments. Their songs are catchy, fun and will get stuck in your head for days at a time. I couldn't recommend them more highly. I really hope big things have yet to come for these guys.
Just yesterday, their song "Operating" was played on KROQ (congrats!). I recorded their performance of it last night:
This is the cover to their new EP, and fun fact for ya, the van on the cover was actually their van! They hit some black ice and flipped it in Canada while on tour with Jack's Mannequin. Scary! They actually wrote a song out of it, called "Cars".
They do an amazing rendition of MGMT's "Kids":
One more video...This is one of my favorites, called "Spoon":
If you want to hear more by Lady Danville, check them out on Hypem (Click here)
More pictures!
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