Venue: Hard Rock Cafe, Hollywood CA
Date: 3/6/12
Show #9
Last night I went over to the Hard Rock Cafe because I heard about a free show going on, with headliner Daniel Bedingfield. Yes he may have been a one hit wonder nearly 9 years ago, but I was so infatuated with that album, I still put it on from time to time and belt out every word. Such a beautiful, fun, and addicting album. So I was VERY excited when I found out he was coming back.
I got to the venue around 10:30, and ended up meeting Daniel's assistant. Once he understood how big of a fan I was, he ran to get Daniel so I could meet him! So sweet of him!
Don't get me wrong, I love me some Daniel Bedingfield, but good lord, I've never seen anyone with a worse case of ADD. He was ALL over the place. It was amusing actually. I think at one point he was attempting to have 3-4 different conversations with all separate groups of people standing somewhat close together, myself included. I was surprised he stayed in one spot long enough to even take this picture.
His sisters Natasha and Nickola showed up! They performed one of my favorite Daniel songs "Honest Questions", to which he actually prefaced the song with asking the audience "Who has ever wanted to die? Like really really badly?" *crickets* "C'mon, no one?". So that was interesting. You could tell the 3 of them had not rehearsed this beforehand, but it was good nonetheless and a nice surprise to see Natasha.

Video of the performance is below:
Review of the band that came on right before Daniel, The Silent Comedy coming soon! Until then, there's a video of them on my YouTube page
Also, videos from last night are up on my YouTube page now as well! Includes 2 videos of Daniel beatboxing with Blake Lewis from American Idol.