
Showing posts with label jordan knight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jordan knight. Show all posts

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Jordan Knight at House of Blues

Show: Jordan Knight
Venue: House of Blues, West Hollywood CA
Date: 3/8/12

Show #10 

On this Thursday knight night in Hollywood, hundreds of 30 something women flocked to the House of Blues to see a childhood crush come alive again. Jordan Knight, of New Kids on the Block was in town on a solo tour. Yet instead of hearing the normal boy band talk in line about where to put that new poster you just got from Tiger Beat, it was "I wish I could have gotten here sooner but the babysitter was late." While the fans may have grown up, it was apparent their inner teenybopper never left them.

While New Kids on the Block was before my time (All about BSB for me), I had the chance to see them on the NKOTBSB tour (3 times :-) and after the first song, instantly knew I was a  "Jordan girl" as the fans say. So I was very excited to hear he was coming to HOB.

The show was opened by a YouTube sensation named Chad, who was known for his 1 minute Boy Band Medley. Jordan saw his video and asked him to open the show! Pretty cool! The mash up can be seen below:

He also sang an original song which was pretty hilarious. Definitely reminded me of Andy Samberg.

He was followed by Spankie Valentine... She was... Hmm... Trying too hard may be an understatement. She acted like she was headlining at Madison Square Garden. Which I guess you gotta give her props for that, but it was just a little too over the top for Jordan fans, and the small venue. 

Then it was finally time for Jordan to come out! He opened with "Let's Go Higher", which was the perfect song to get the crowd going. But let's be real, he could have just stood there and stared at the crowd for 20 minutes and everyone would have still showed up. 

I think if you were to ask anyone there though, there would be a unanimous vote that the highlight of the night was when he performed "O Face". Why you ask? Let's just say, hip thrusting was back in full effect and the video I recorded of it is NSFW.

The other highlight of the night was when he picked 2 girls to come on stage with him during "Rockstar". Before picking the girls, he prefaced it by saying he always gets girls on stage who act crazy in the crowd, but when they get on stage, they're shy and don't dance. Unfortunately 1. I didn't get picked, and 2. the girls who were picked were extremely boring to watch and you could tell Jordan was upset they wouldn't do anything. Nonetheless it was fun to try and live vicariously through them for a few minutes.

All in all, it was an amazing show and completely exceeded my expectations. Can't wait to see him again!

Venue Tip
Do "Pass the Line"! While it's a ploy to get you to spend more money there, HOB has a program called "Pass The Line" where if you buy an entree from the restaurant, or spend $20 in the store, you get to go in a special line which goes in before the general admission line. A few things to remember for this:

1. Order food at the bar upstairs and then go eat in line. It's better to have someone in your party go order the food, while someone stays in line.

2. Make sure you tell them you're buying food for pass the line, they need to sign your receipt, that will be your early ticket in.

3. Ask where the Pass The Line is. You'll learn this place is super unorganized, and if you ask 10 different people, you'll get 10 different answers. I'll tell you that when I went for this show, I happened to ask the right security guard who told me where the right line was going to be, and everyone else had started a fake line, so I got to get in first. It was at the end of the hill, by the VIP entrance near the stairway to the Foundation room, near the Valet. Go there first.

4. Don't freak if a few people go in before you, there's usually a meet n greet that gets to go in even before pass the line. All in all it's worth it if you want to get up close.

To see all my videos from the show (yes, there's more!) visit my YouTube page.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Quick Update

Hi everyone!

It’s been a busy few weeks, but just wanted to let you know what posts you can look forward to, coming soon!

     Jordan Knight at House of Blues (Videos on YouTube)
     Voxhaul Broadcast at The Sattelite (Videos on YouTube)
     Needtobreathe and Ben Rector at Club Nokia (Videos on YouTube)
     Of Monsters and Men at The Troubadour (Videos on YouTube)
     The Lumineers at Hotel Café (Videos on YouTube)
     Cartel at The Key Club (Happening Saturday)
     Good Old War at Avalon (Happening Sunday)

So many shows, so little time! Promise to get photos up soon! In the meantime, check out my YouTube page as I upload videos the next day.